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Series Details
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Workshop 1 - Presence
In this first class, we’ll practice grounding ourselves in presence and then share our insights and learnings.
Workshop 2 - Beyond Ego (The Crown Chakra)
We will come into communion with our higher power and heal whatever arises that blocks us from feeling and experiencing this communion more deeply.
Workshop 3 - Embodyment
We will come back to our bodies, feel the frequency of our energy, and channel it into our actions.
“Outer experience is a reflection of inner reality."
- Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick, University of Santa Monica
About Your Facilitator
Julie Chazotte
Julie is a co-founder of SimpleSHIFT, a community whose mission is to help people create more health, well-being, and ease across all areas of life and the way we do business.
Additionally, Julie is a transformational coach who guides and supports individuals and businesses in navigating life with greater ease. She points people away from the habits that create stress, pressure, and sometimes burnout, and points them toward what naturally allows them to access better quality thinking, creativity, and momentum.
With master's degrees in education and in spiritual psychology, Julie brings over 20 years of experience in the field of education and coaching to each person, project, and company she works with. Her intention is to make sure each person she welcomes into her workshops feels seen, loved and appreciated!
"Tear off the mask, your face is glorious."
- Rumi
What People Are Saying!
"Julie is a profoundly compassionate, intuitive, and skilled coach. Unlike any I've seen, she creates a safe space where clients can show up authentically. With Julie, you'll feel understood, truly listened to, and experience powerful support. Her passion for service is evident – both clients and colleagues benefit immensely from it. Julie has my highest trust, admiration, and strongest recommendation. And this doesn't even scratch the surface!" - Dr. Amy Johnson
"Regardless of the scale of the challenge, or of the drama and story I would bring to it, Julie’s consciousness would remain centered, undistracted, and undeterred, to help me distinguish between the reality of the situation and my distorted thinking about that reality. In so doing, Julie would consistently guide me to letting go of that thinking and then access the deeper, more true part of me where my wisdom and authentic creativity is abundant. From there, new ideas, insights and solutions would emerge that I couldn’t have accessed from my previous state. Every session with Julie would end with me in a place of illumination, clarity, and with a solid direction for moving forward. And with a renewed understanding that everything I could ever want to experience is already true inside of me." - Kirk Souder
"I came to Julie looking for help to end decades-long unhealthy habits with food and alcohol, and I found so much more! Julie was able to listen deeply to understand and quickly get to the heart of the matter, and she always left me with helpful insights, ideas or questions to ponder. She didn’t get caught up in my “story”, instead she gently guided me to find my way back to my own innate wisdom. She exhibited a genuine interest in my life, which created an instant connection between us and inspired me to share things with her that I had never been able to discuss with even my closest friends. After just one 90-minute conversation, I noticed an immediate difference in how I showed up. The change was subtle and at the same time deep – feelings of peace and ease and the courage to be my authentic self in all areas of my life. And through our remaining time together, Julie guided me to be gentle with myself, to create and hold a space for myself to let things be and to feel what I feel, knowing that it could never change the deeper truth that I am made of well-being. It is within this space that I have been able to recognize and trust my inner wisdom. I am calmer, happier, wiser and lighter!" - Carmen Alston
"Yesterday was... Epic. Probably one of the best sessions I've ever had with either a therapist or coach. I'm truly so grateful for you."
"The session and the subject matter touched me in a way that has provided a massive energetic shift for me. I'm still slowly and gratefully integrating it. The work you are doing MATTERS."
"Listened last night to Thursday's call. Thought what you talked about was pure love. You are always 100% giving, honest, and vulnerable. It's like being under the covers in front of a fireplace watching a great movie."
"I really can't overstate the positive impact of the work we've been doing."
"I vividly remember the feelings I had while I was walking through the city and listening. There was a sense of everything truly is ok and such a feeling of peace. Your energy shines through and your sharing is done with such compassion, grace and gentle yet confident knowing that no one is broken. I'm so happy I stumbled upon your workshops."
"I'm blown away at how calming that was. Julie is masterful in setting a space that allows for deep absorption of the topic."
© 2024 Paulinox, Inc. dba SimpleSHIFT