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Healthy Political Conversations
A 5-week free series of curated conversations aimed to bring out the best in ourselves and each other.
Webinar Recordings
Watch anytime. We'd love to hear your Insights below!
How to Move a Political Conversation Forward
With Julieanne Chazotte & Dror Amir
In this first conversation, we take a look at what is happening in a healthy political conversation that feels productive and meaningful and what's happening when these vital conversations go south.
To see the example conversation mentioned in the webinar, click here.
Where Positive Impact & Change Really Come From
With Sammy Rangel
In this conversation, Sammy Rangel, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Life After Hate, shares about the work he does helping people come out of lives of hate. He also shares his own personal story of transformation, which allows us to discuss where impact and change really come from.
If you'd like to watch Sammy's Ted Talk, click here.
If you'd like to watch my interview with Sammy last year, click here.
Healing the Divide: Can Trump Supporters and Undocumented Immigrants come together and have a change of heart?
With Elizabeth Jarosz
If you'd like to what clips from Elizabeth's experiment, click here.
If you would like to see what happened when Black Lives Matter activists were invited on stage at a pro-Trump rally, click here.
A Healthier Relationship to the News
With Raymond Kalas
In this conversation, we spoke with Ray Kalas, a Professor of Media Studies at the County College of Morris in New Jersey.
He shared with us some facts about how news media operates, as well as some of the things we can do to be more media literate as we navigate news in the digital era.
From our experience, the more media literate we are, the easier it is to make sense of current events and stay informed. It is helpful to know that we can develop media literacy throughout our lives.
Embracing the Learnings
With Julieanne Chazotte & Dror Amir
In this conversation, we discussed what we've seen during our time together and insights still to come.
If you'd like to read the letter we mention in this webinar that our friend Sarah wrote about her recent realization as to how her Spiritual Journey had kept her from seeing our role as white people in healing racism, click here.
Discussion Board
Share thoughts, questions and insights below!
Additional Videos
Sammy Rangel's Ted Talk
The Power of Forgiveness
My Conversation with Sammy Last Year
Sammy Rangel on Life After Hate
Would You Die For Your Country?
Elizabeth Jarosz with Behind the Glass
Fear and Discrimination
Elizabeth Jarosz with Behind the Glass
This unexpected moment happened when Black Lives Matter activists were invited on stage at a pro-Trump rally
While we wish this weren't made by a beer company, the experiment itself is enlightening and points to what happens when we meet without our conditioning on our minds.
Facebook Conversation Example
This thread took place between two people who had never met
Below is a real conversation that happened based on a meme posted on Facebook. Since the content of the meme isn't responsible for what happened in this conversation, we decided not to include it.
See if you notice what contributes to the conversation going south and what contributes to it neutralizing. Feel free to share your insights above.
Person 1
Agreed exactly what Trump was asking ever since he was elected... (Going to wear my shield protecting myself from your friends attacking me )
Person 2
they are not mitigating circumstances for your" grab them by the pussy" president. Choose another hero. It takes more than a slogan to make America great. By the way I lived there, your "wealth" is on the shoulders of underpayed modern slaves: the undocumented workers. Yes you probably need a shield not from attack but from my vomiting....so buying local won't solve anything when people will be still dying for lack of health care. The US has problems not for lack of money, but for lack of intentions and profound greed. Trump is a parody of that
Person 1
Person 2
sexiest man ever...just one look you puke..spare my day, now you attacking my Italian sense of style I am sure little privileged you will be still buying Italian...because we do fashion better My wish? One world where no children starve..(.hoops I forgot Trump put them in cages )and a classy and educated president...like our Conti. He has the knowledge and the physic du role. Keep your frog, I like princes
Person 1
you know what scares me the most? People like you... That for "the name of democracy" will disregard other people's opinions and point of views, disrespect, using offensive words but yet, hiding behind fake masks, considering themselves knowing everything and so smart, but as a matter of fact, they are the most ignorance people on the Earth.
I will keep wearing Gucci and Prada, not because I'm letting other being my slaves, but because I'm highly educated, working my ass to achieve things in life and not relaying on welfare and milking the system. I also raising my own child that way, to dream big, work hard and achieve but yet obey the law and not illegally crossing borders, and put his life in dangers. So take all of your BS and laughing emojis and try to convince someone else, cause with me you have 0 success. As far as the prince, keep waiting, the most you'll get is a pumpkin cart.
Person 1, I’m sorry your opinion was not more welcome here. Hopefully we will all learn more about having conversations like these from a place of mutual respect. From my experience, it’s the only way any conversation that really matter can move forward.
Person 1
I agree!!!!! And thank you for that! We'll talk for sure when this craziness is over. I love and miss you guys
Person 2
It was not my intention to convince anyone, It was a moment of outrage, yes I could have chosen smarter words, just like you did to offend me.You did well, obviously despise people "like me" of whom you know nothing. I don't think you work more than a poor single mother in Walmart..but yes you surely deserve more! And surely she doesn't deserve public heath care. special people brigade. As for my pumpikin cart, I wish better than that to the good Italian people. History will tell, things change, I don't know all, but I know this for sure. We will see who ends up with a pumpkin cart, hold your delight at other people plight! No emojj just BS
Julieanne Amir Chazotte mmmm being called ignorant and "people like you" is respectful and caring. I whish we could comment on the content not on the tone
Person 1
In general, I love and admire the Italian people! So talented, creative and smart. Unfortunately (for you) on this case, you didn't do much to represent the majority of them, but the opposite. You didn't choose smarter words cause you can't control yourself and your anger, and I can just feel sorry for you. Think before act. As for the single mom BS you throw to the air...My only advice to you is- don't teach a single mother about single mothers.
Person 2
what is the opposite of talented creative and smart? Don't feel sorry for me, you patronizing little person! Could have cecked my profile, before you trew your cold anger at me! I am the quintessential Italian. No apoligies for been angry, it is a human emotion (and very Italian). I am not divine like you. Even Jesus got angry and trew the merchants out of the temple. Again not trying to teach you anything, now that would be impossible
Person 1
Person 2
another image of this monster? Now you really hurting me… (the conversation continued from there)
Person 2, I understand how you’re feeling. It can feel really emotional when something we care about so deeply and see is so far off from someone else’s way of seeing things.
I had that happen last week when I saw how people weren’t getting what’s happening in nj. I took a break from engaging because my mind got really stressed and that was my sign that I needed to come back to wisdom.
I addressed Person 1 in my comment because your comment was the first reply (the first to engage) and your tone had a lot of energy to it.
As I shared above, I understand getting emotional. Although, I think if you take some distance you’ll see that the energy is not conducive to understanding.
Person 1 also has something she can see about this as well. As do we all.
My encouragement would be to disengage and to take care of yourself.
I don’t know you personally, but I promise what I’m saying comes from loving.
I use to watch my dad get politically outraged , and I saw its innocence, and I saw how it blocked his wisdom, connection with others and the possibility for the conversation to move forward.
I have spent years of my life understanding what goes wrong in discussions like these, and simply put it’s when respect gets lost.
A neutral mind helps us navigate these challenging conversations far better than any other state of mind ever could.
If we want the conversation to move forward, that’s a huge part of what it will take.
I hope this is helpful in some way.
Person 2
Julieanne Amir Chazotte it is, thank you for your understanding
I’m so glad!
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