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Listening for a Feeling!
A 3-Part Complimentary Workshop Series:
A journey for yourSelf, your Relationships, and your Work
Join us for Part Three - 90 minutes
with Ankush Jain!
on Thursday, Mar 21st @ 12:30pm PST!
Listening for a Feeling
"We all know what it feels like to experience a deeper feeling. We just weren't taught how incredibly valuable that is and how to access that when we're feeling afraid."
- Julie Chazotte
What if . . .
. . . listening for a feeling was easy to do and not something mysterious?
. . . this deeper feeling can guide you to be with the more difficult parts of the human experience?
. . . awareness of the feeling could help you navigate life with greater grace, peace and confidence?
. . . there is a deeper feeling available to us in community with each other?
. . . being with others in a deeper feeling was what helps us heal, thrive and set us free?
Why this workshop and why now?
Within the past 5 years, it became really clear to me that some of the most profound Spiritual Words could blossom even more within us if we explored them more deeply and looked at how practical they are in all areas of our lives.
When I would share what I was seeing about this with my husband, he would light up, and we became ignited with inspiration to create a space where we could come together in loving community and slow it all down and go deeper together.
In this series, we are going to look at one of Sydney Banks' most famous quotes, “Don't listen to my words; listen for a feeling."
What would our relationship with ourself look like if we listened for a feeling? What would our relationships with others look like? And how about our work? In each complimentary workshop, held monthly, we will be guided by different Soul-Companions.
The first workshop, was held on Thursday, January 18th, focused on listening for a feeling in relationship to ourselves. This exploration was guided by myself (Julie) and Dicken Bettinger, a mentee of Syd Banks.
The second workshop, held on Thursday, February 15th, will focus on listening for a feeling in our relationships and will be guided by myself and Rohini & Angus Ross.
The third workshop, held on Thrusday, March 21st, around listening for a feeling in our work will be guided by myself and Ankush Jain.
Through these workshops, we aspire to cultivate a space where anyone interested can attend and deepen in their own wisdom and personal insights. We also hope to use these individual revelations as building blocks for greater collective empowerment.
Join us on as we embark on a journey of listening, understanding, and fostering collective growth. Together, let's harness our personal and collective power to ignite a ripple effect of positive change within ourselves and the world around us.
“Don't listen to my words; listen for a feeling."
- Syd Banks
Part 3: "Listening for a Feeling" in Work!
Co-Guided with Ankush Jain!
The Direction We'll Look in Together
As we get more comfortable with all feelings, it is easier to discern those feelings that are coming from wisdom and common sense and those that are coming from insecurity and a low state of mind. This is so helpful as we relate to ourselves and navigate our lives.
This will be a primary focus in our conversation and will support us in getting more comfortable with discerning between these feelings. Because we believe that each person brings wisdom to the conversation, the guidance we provide as facilitators will be more focused on pointing in a direction and the exercises we do will be aimed at having deeper experiential knowing. We will also open up the conversation to the group to hear the wisdom of the participants.
The Power of Being in Community
We are social creatures and so feeling connected to others, welcome, appreciated and seen in community with other like-hearted souls is a powerful healing and grounding experience in and of itself!
We will guide the group in creating a safe container together where we can more easily open up and feel comfortable in sharing about the human experience.
The conversation and exercises we do will be designed to help our minds settle so that we can open up to our wisdom and the wisdom of the group. As we look in this direction, it's incredible how powerful insights can open up and shift the way we experience life.
"We don't need another Guru. We need each other."
- Rohini Ross
Workshop Series Details
You're invited to join us for all 3 workshops in the series, and are welcome to attend only the ones that speak to you. There will be a recording made available for a limited time after each event.
Part 3 - Listening for a Feeling to Guide Your Work
Date: Thursday, March 21st
Time: 12:30pm Pacific Time
Duration: 90 minutes
Co-Guided with: Ankush Jain & Julie Chazotte
Sign me up!
Please answer the questions below with 2-3 sentences each.
This information will help me design the workshop specifically for those attending!
Bonus for Registering Early!
I LOVE to serve! The first 3 people that sign up and attend the workshop live will recieve an additional gift of a 30 minute complimentary coaching conversation to help you in integrating what you learned in the workshop and take it even deeper!
Want to Amplify the Impact?
Share this workshop with friends and family who may beneift and receive an exclusive bonus individual 45 minute coaching session when three of your friends join! It's a chance to help others and to deepen your exploration together.
Who This Experience Is and Isn't For
This workshop is for:
- Those who want to navigate their life, relationships and work with greater health, ease and inspiration.
- Coaches and faciliators who want to explore new ways of helping their clients on the somatic and emotional levels.
- People willing to explore new perspectives and are intereseted in insight and Self-discovery.
- Those who value being in community and want to engage with like-minded individuals in a safe, nurturing space.
This workshop might not be suitable for:
- Those resistant to exploring new perspectives or unwilling to engage in self-reflective practices.
- Anyone seeking quick fixes. If someone is solely seeking immediate solutions without a willingness to engage deeply, this might not align with their expectations.
- For individuals seeking or currently undergoing intensive trauma therapy. It's important to prioritize safety and readiness in exploring our lives. Doing so prematurely can inadvertently hinder the healing process rather than foster it. If you're not presently engaged in therapy, we recommend that as a primary and comprehensive avenue for healing support. Your safety and well-being are so important on your journey toward emotional healing.
About Your Facilitators
Julie Chazotte
Julie is a co-founder of SimpleSHIFT, a community whose mission it is to help people create more health, well-being, and ease across all areas of life and the way we do business.
Additionally, Julie is a transformational coach who guides and supports individuals and businesses in navigating life with greater ease. She points people away from the habits that create stress, pressure and sometimes burnout, and points them toward what naturally allows them to access better quality thinking, creativity and momentum.
With masters degrees in education and in spiritual psychology, Julie brings over 20 years of experience in the field of education and coaching to each person, project and company she works with. Her intention is to make sure each person she welcomes into her workshops feel seen, loved and appreciated!
Dicken Bettinger
Dicken Bettinger, Ed.D., received his doctorate in counseling psychology and has worked during his career as a licensed clinical psychologist. Dicken’s entire career has focused on psychological well-being. In 1986 he met Sydney Banks, who shared a profound new understanding of the human mind called the Three Principles that unifies our connection to a deeper intelligence called wisdom and our psychological nature. While living in Vermont, Dicken co-founded one of the first Three Principles training, counseling, and education center. Later Dicken served as a senior staff at Pransky and Associates in La Conner, Washington for 16 years, where he developed and led corporate and university leadership trainings, team
development, and cultural transformations. In 2012 Dicken founded his private practice, 3 Principles Mentoring. He offers 4-day immersion retreats for individuals; practitioner development; and advanced training programs. He enjoys leading group seminars in the US and Europe. Dicken is the co-author of a book on the Three Principles called Coming Home: Uncovering the Foundations of Psychological Well-being. Dicken has been happily married for since 1969. He has two adult children and four adored grandchildren. He enjoys people of all ages, photography, hiking, canoeing, and exploring art, cultures, and new places in his travels.
Rohini & Angus Ross
Angus & Rohini Ross are “The Rewilders.” They are relationship guides. Rohini is also a licensed psychotherapist. They love working with couples and helping them reduce conflict and discord in their relationships by pointing them to their innate wisdom and well-being. They work with couples who are struggling and couples who would like to deepen the love and intimacy they already have. They co-facilitate private couples' intensives that rewild relationships back to their natural state of love. You can listen to their podcast Rewilding Love, where they help a couple on the brink of divorce.
Ankush Jain
Ankush Jain is a life and business coach/consultant, proud father, published author, podcast host and public speaker based in the UK. He is the founder of The Powerful Men's Immersions which are the best personal development programs for men in the world. Clients fly from all around the globe to work with him and he is amongst the most successful coaches in Europe. He has a waiting list of people wanting to work with him.Ankush also coaches other coaches to grow impactful, ethical and sustainable practices and is the founder of the hugely successful AJC Coaching Career School which quickly sold out after it launched. He is the author of the book: Sweet Sharing: Rediscovering the REAL You and is currently penning his second book about his journey to becoming the coach he is today.
"When our hearts are open, we are living in a feeling of love. A love that guides us through every moment."
- Steve Adair
What People Are Saying!
"Regardless of the scale of the challenge, or of the drama and story I would bring to it, Julie’s consciousness would remain centered, undistracted, and undeterred, to help me distinguish between the reality of the situation and my distorted thinking about that reality. In so doing, Julie would consistently guide me to letting go of that thinking and then access the deeper, more true part of me where my wisdom and authentic creativity is abundant. From there, new ideas, insights and solutions would emerge that I couldn’t have accessed from my previous state. Every session with Julie would end with me in a place of illumination, clarity, and with a solid direction for moving forward. And with a renewed understanding that everything I could ever want to experience is already true inside of me." - Kirk Souder
"I came to Julie looking for help to end decades-long unhealthy habits with food and alcohol, and I found so much more! Julie was able to listen deeply to understand and quickly get to the heart of the matter, and she always left me with helpful insights, ideas or questions to ponder. She didn’t get caught up in my “story”, instead she gently guided me to find my way back to my own innate wisdom. She exhibited a genuine interest in my life, which created an instant connection between us and inspired me to share things with her that I had never been able to discuss with even my closest friends. After just one 90-minute conversation, I noticed an immediate difference in how I showed up. The change was subtle and at the same time deep – feelings of peace and ease and the courage to be my authentic self in all areas of my life. And through our remaining time together, Julie guided me to be gentle with myself, to create and hold a space for myself to let things be and to feel what I feel, knowing that it could never change the deeper truth that I am made of well-being. It is within this space that I have been able to recognize and trust my inner wisdom. I am calmer, happier, wiser and lighter!" - Carmen Alston
© 2024 Paulinox, Inc. dba SimpleSHIFT